During 2020, MPA ran an online Level 1 Judges course led by Pedro, with 17 attendees. We can now officially accredit those completed this course and are able to attend the National Triathle and Laser Run championship next month to be assessed by Pedro (Head UPIM Judge and accreditor).
Excitingly though, we have the opportunity to be able to accredit those interested in being a LEVEL 2 accredited UIPM Judge in Swimming and Laser Run. This accreditation would require completing a UIPM developed, online, e-learning course, as well as a brief face to face meeting prior to competition and officiating in Brisbane at the National Triathle and Laser Run Championships. The officiating at this event is vital to ensure Pedro can witness you in action and be assured that you know what you are doing, so he can sign off accordingly on behalf of the UIPM.
If you didn’t complete the Level 1 online course last year and are still wanting to be accredited as a Level 2 Judge, it is certainly not too late. We would be love to upskill you before the event so that you can join in also.
If you are interested, please complete this form to register your interest and intent to complete the Level 2 UIPM Laser Run, Swim and Triathle Judges course. Please complete this AS SOON AS POSSIBLE, as names and email address have to be submitted to the UPIM for e-learning purposes.