
Modern Pentathlon Australia High Performance Team

Information for high performance athletes and coaches.

Selection Criteria

National Integrity Framework 


The Modern Pentathlon anti-doping policy is the Australian National Anti-Doping Policy, effective from 1st January 2021, and found here on the Sport Integrity Australia website. All members, participants and non-participants in the sport of Modern Pentathlon are bound by these rules.

Countdown to Paris 2024








Supplements Warning

New research shows athletes at high risk of inadvertent doping. Conducted by life science company LCG and revealed at the Informed Sport conference in Melbourne, the research found 13 of the 67 supplements contained traces of anabolic agents or stimulants which would be prohibited.

Athletes and support personnel can use Global DRO (online search tool) to find out whether the most commonly prescribed and over-the-counter medicines in Australia are permitted or prohibited in their sport