Modern Pentathlon Australia is proud to continue providing support to the national community with the latest in Laser Run technology and equipment, thanks to a grant provided by the Australian Institute of Sport.

Provided on loan to Modern Pentathlon Victoria for an invitational event in Geelong this weekend, the shooting stands and EcoAims Precision Targets are UIPM standard and provide a professional and international standard  competition experience for all completing athletes.

Aiming to ensure that all Australian Modern Pentathletes have the opportunity to reach their full potential, MPA was able to purchase a full suite of laser pistols and targets and also commission global events company Big Dog Events to design and build fit for purpose stands.  This equipment is for the benefit of the whole community.  

MPA is extremely grateful to the AIS for the grant that enabled this, as part of the many AIS pathways initiatives that we are now able to apply for.

These resources further highlight the ongoing commitment of MPA to provide assistance to the state and territory organisations in staging events and training camps. 

Grateful for the ongoing support from the AIS, Modern Pentathlon Australia President Kitty Chiller AM said that the equipment would make a significant difference to Australia’s long-term chances against the best of the best internationally. 

“Equipment is at the core of our sport, with the shooting element continuing to evolve with technology.” Ms Chiller said. 

“For athletes preparing and aiming to represent our country, its essential that they have experience and knowledge of what conditions and equipment is used at international benchmark events.

“MPA is incredibly grateful for the ongoing support of the AIS and the positive impact that the shooting stands and EcoAims Precision Targets will have on athlete training and development. 

“The use of this equipment at the Geelong event this weekend is especially beneficial for our selected athletes for the Tokyo Olympic Games Ed Fernon and Marina Carrier, who will be competing in Geelong in their first hit out of 2021 prior to Tokyo.

The next time athletes will be able to benefit from this equipment is at the inaugural Australian Laser Run and Triathle Championships that MPA has announced this weekend, to be held in Brisbane on May 29-30.